My First Step

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are”

- J.P. Morgan

Nick Graham with Business Cards

First business cards!

As I pause to take a deep breath and think about how quickly the past year has flown by, I take a moment to remember where this all began.   

SO what is now our entire business model was created from a very reflective cycle I had one cold dewy morning at Richmond Park.  

I was frustrated with where I was in my career, and the feeling of repetitive experiences I was seeing in my consulting roles. I was tired of feeling parachuted into failing projects where there had been very little planning or consideration for business adoption. I couldn’t remove the thought I had at the time, which was ‘there has to be a better way to ensure that projects think about the users? A simpler way to help educate both technology teams and the business embrace change’  

And that was that that very day I decided to leave my contract and reconsider my options.   

I’m not one to believe in fate, however, I reflect on life as ‘we’re all stars of our own movies and we know how they should play out. If you’re on the wrong scene, you have life nudges that knock you (sometimes painfully) back to where you need to go.’ You can tell that you’re having a life nudge, as they just feel right, without knowing why. 

This year has felt like a river of life nudges, I’ve felt like a pinball being knocked and bumped to where I need to be and boy has this been a deep year of learning and self-development.  


So what have I learnt?

1. Choosing a name

Choosing a company name is hard … I mean you’re stuck with this name for as long as your business is alive, it is like choosing children’s names. Get it right and their future is bright ... get it wrong and there are consequences.

2. Business Baby

Which moves me swiftly onto my next point, owning and running a business is like being a parent … it's your baby that you nurture, and think about constantly. If it has a bad day, you feel sad and when it does well you feel 10ft tall. Not to mention the sleepless nights, emotional rollercoaster and continuous worrying. Thankfully no dirty nappies though!

3. Business Plans

All good businesses start with a good business plan – right? Wrong. In my experience the wisest words I’ve utilised immensely, are:

“If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!”

- Richard Branson


The truth is, our business model has evolved from saying yes and adapting to the change (oh the irony). We started with one idea, that transformed into a toolkit of things:

  • company blog

  • Growing network of fabulous professionals

  • some amazing clients

  • one incredible dream team!

  • A change management analytical tool

  • change consultancy

  • bespoke change methodology

  • applying BEE methodology book

  • tales from the trenches podcast

Nick and Zayn First Launch Event

Our first launch event!


Business partnerships are comparable to a marriage. Don’t underestimate how much time you have to spend with that person, how intimate and detailed into each other’s affairs you become and if you don’t communicate, it goes south very quickly. Definitely choose a business partner wisely and ensure that you have clearly defined roles giving respect and encouragement for each other to flourish in their chosen areas.

I will be open here, I went into business with one of my dearest friends, Zayn Blore. In the earlier days I thought this to be an error, however, I now reflect on this as being one of the best choices I made, and feel it was one of my largest areas of personal growth this past year. I’ve had to learn to trust, become more dependent, conduct myself professionally around him, and respect our different ways of working. Honestly, its been one heck of a journey and I’m sure poor Zayn has more grey hairs thanks to this experience, but honestly, I’m really proud of what we have accomplished, and how we both have grown during this time, I wouldn’t change it for the world!

Thank you Zayn x


Growing a Team – MOST terrifying thing I have done, aside from children! Your team, become the centre of your business. I feel so proud every time I feel that I have enabled these wonderful people to develop in their career, and when they produce (most often) something wonderful for the company, I feel a giddy rush of pride and joy.  

They are the business, and I hadn’t realised until having staff, its this part that truly makes me want to continue doing what I do.

“The thing is Nic, what motivates me to wake up every day and continue to work hard for this company, is my team. I feel responsible for their career experience, their lively hood and wealth fair of their families. I can’t fail as I can’t let them down “

- Repeated quote from several small business owner friends

Please let that sink in for one moment … “I can’t fail as I can’t let them down” … What I can honestly now tell you, is whilst a small company is more volatile to work for, you can’t underestimate the loyalty and gratification from the owners, you would feel working for one. We truly value our staff over everything!  

Awesome Anna

Awesome Anna

Project Change Manager & Business Analyst

Talented Travisha

Talented Travisha

Creative Designer & Training Lead

6. Facing fear head-on

So I had an invitation earlier in the year to present at an investment evening. It was very last minute, I hadn’t prepared and was terrified. My 9yr old told me:

"Mummy don’t be nervous, just do what I do when I read my English writing at school: 

1. Think of all the people you love to relax you and

2. Remember what you love about the topic to show your passion.”

- One intelligent young man

Boy if kids could run the world! “Remember what you love about the topic to show your passion”

Now I face each day something new in my business, I face rejection and knock backs frequently, and even those with thick skin like myself still have ones self-esteem poked! I often want to avoid having to speak to potential clients, or meet new people to network … but those beautiful words resonate every time … and the truth is I’m bloody passionate about what I do and I’m extremely proud of what we have create and guess what I’ve already met some fabulous and moving people through this journey.

My advice, when you feel this fear … it's worth the results and the connections you make. People know people and I find there is a general desire to want to help each other. Don’t underestimate the power of networks and building a business family of people you can rely on.  

So where does Simplify Change go from here? What does the next year hold? With the current world events as they are, who knows where anyone will be in a year.  

What I do know, is I am loving this journey, I am loving my team, and I hope that we can continue to help projects meet their true potential and continue to work with fabulous organisations across the world. 

“Creativity is intelligence having fun”

— Albert Einstein

 Thank you for supporting us in our first year of being Simplify Change!

- Nicola Graham

Celebrating with our Team

Celebrating with our team!


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