New Year, New Priorities

So New Year has come and gone, we’re still in lockdown, but we have another year to look forward to!

Did you make any New Years' resolutions? Have you broken them yet?

January is a time for many people to re-evaluate their lives and start to make changes to make themselves happier.

I’m guessing that if you aren’t evaluating your current position, then chances are that your staff may well be.

Where does that leave you? Do you want to lose them? Or do you want to re-invigorate them with the possibilities and potential of this year, including the excitement that is in store for them if they remain part of your organisation?


Before we move on to your team though, what about you?

Are you looking after your mental, physical, and emotional well-being?  I hope so, as this is critical to both your personal and your work life balance.  Easier said than done though, so I thought I could recommend some of the top tips that I have discovered to help me:

  1. Get regular exerciseAt least once a day, preferably in the morning as if you’re anything like I am, I become increasingly more exhausted towards the end of the day.

  2. Sleep. Did you know that sleep is vital for your brains processing power, and your body’s ability to repair.  Sleep allows your body and mind to re-energise and recover, ensuring you are ready to go the next day.

  3. Eat & drink properly. Don’t overdo the wine, eat healthily, to ensure your body is being looked after.

  4. Manage your energy levels.No one can focus for 12 months a year. Take breaks, have a weekend and try to get on some holidays, vitamin d is a great energy booster.  People can tell when you’re not yourself.

  5. You are the sum of the 5 people closest to you. They help shape who you are and your success, so be sure that they build you up, not break you down.

  6. Have fun and enjoy life.Play the piano, have conversations about stars and black holes, and enjoy watching cat or dog videos. Do what puts a smile on your face.

  7. Have goals and passions that motivate and excite you.Don’t sit at your desk (home or otherwise), and watch your life pass by.  Treat everyday like it is your last.

Note, these are all things you can do, regardless of others. You are in control of your life. No-one else is.

So, you know where you’re at, but what about your team? The lifeblood of your company, and what will make you a success or not.

Do you know how motivated, or not, your staff are right now? Are their heads in the game, or are they struggling to get out of bed each day with no motivation?

It’s common in January for people to start looking for new jobs if they’re dissatisfied, not motivated, or challenged in their current role.


To ensure you’re on the right track with your team I suggest:

  1. You understand each person’s role and responsibilities.Not just what the company and you want from them but check that they understand and are in alignment with these also.

  2. Almost more importantly, you understand what each person wants out of their role.Do they want a promotion? More responsibility? Are they happy coasting? Are they less focused on work because of personal issues and just want to do their job so that they can focus on their life priority?

  3. Ensure they understand how they fit into your big picture (as in your goals which they’ll help achieve). If they know what you want from them, why you want it and they agree with what you’re trying to achieve you’ve won half the battle already.

  4. Part of 3 is ensuring they get why you’re trying to achieve the big picture. I’m not talking monetary reward, it should be meaningful to them personally. Allowing people to see that by working in a particular way, and your companies goals are making things easier, this sets a sense of reward and gratitude into your staff.

  5. Not to belabour a point, but you need to inspire them. Particularly in these times of lockdown, global pandemic, and isolation.Share with them the wins you have each step of the way. There’s nothing better than a client telling your team that they’re doing a fantastic job, and our client sees how they are making a difference.

  6. Challenge them. Most people want a difficult goal to achieve, something they can strive towards.It shouldn’t be impossible. Just difficult to achieve. It gives people a focus and a clear direction of which way to head.

  7. Recognise their contributions however small.Each step on the way towards your goals should be celebrated as it’s a step closer to achieving something you really want. If someone produces an amazing brand that encapsulates what you’re trying to achieve notice it. If someone pulls you back for squirreling (Getting horribly side-tracked in the detail), laugh and enjoy the moment.

  8. And my favourite. Surprise them with treats.Free lunch on Friday. A raise. A promotion.Rewards that aren’t known beforehand mean so much more.Think of the last time you had a surprise birthday party and how much you enjoyed it.

  9. Don’t forget though that people are still out of sorts.This is not a normal year. It is a pandemic year. People’s focus could be elsewhere, or scattered with a myriad of thoughts going through their heads.  Bear this in mind.


Now, you’re ready to speak to each person (which hopefully you do once a week anyway in a 1-2-1). You’ve thought all of this out, and know where you stand, what motivates each team member, and what they want out of their role.

Before you do, stop for a second.


You may THINK you know what they want, but in all likelihood, you don’t.

Have a plan b, go through the options once more and consider alternatives. Be aware that change is inevitable and people leaving companies happens for all sorts of reasons, only some of which are being dissatisfied with management and the company. Have that plan b, just in case.

Consider alternatives if someone doesn’t want to work on your special project, or if they want to work part-time. Hybrid working is the way of the future, so be flexible.

People also communicate in different ways. I’ve been in long discussions this year about how different groups of people communicate in their own ways. And managers need to be aware of those differences to ensure they get the best out of people.

Some people are direct (almost insultingly so), but only want to make their opinion heard and so they don’t think they’re being rude.

Others are withdrawn, and afraid to put their hand up in a meeting, given experiences in the past even though they may be a subject matter expert in their field.

Each of your team has something to bring to the table, otherwise, they wouldn’t be in your team.

You need to tease it out of them, with an inquiring, encouraging, understanding mind with a great scoop of patience.

If you get it right, your team will blossom and allow you to achieve your goals this year.

Remember these are the people you spend a significant amount of time with. Make sure you have a laugh, and they AND YOU enjoy what you do.

Regardless of what your goals are, it is the journey and whom you take it with that counts.

Have fun and remember there is only one 2021. Happy New Year!

- Zayn

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