How we do Business Change - The BEE Methodology

“How do you encourage business colleagues to change their working behaviours in an organisation?

When you’re rolling out a new product or system, does sending an email, providing some training and some FAQ guides to your business colleagues truly mean that you have provided business engagement ?

In our opinion that’s a recipe for disaster that will lead to one thing ... missed returns on investment, and frustrated business colleagues.”

— Nicola Graham

Build Excite Equip Bee

We use the BEE Methodology to guarantee adoption, by providing a step by step proven method to

  • Prepare and Plan,

  • Rally the Troops and

  • Provide the Ability to Learn.

All of which help to reduce the change curve, and make change a fun and exciting experience.

The key points we focus on in each phase are easily illustrated in this diagram, which we encourage you to use on your projects.

BEE High Level

Below are links to a webinar on the topic we delivered to the Institute of Directors Advanced group, as well as the corresponding presentation which you’re free to download and use internally.

We support the BEE Methodology with tools created specifically for the purpose of enabling Business Change Management. Here is how they’re broken down:

BEE Tools
BEE Insights Logo

BEE Insights

This is our assessment and analysis tool providing stakeholder management, social network analysis and ABC scorecard assessments. All of which are vital to get the information you need to provide accurate and comprehensive plans for communication, training, and education.

In the next few months we be expanding this support, delivering more by:

  • Publishing a book on the BEE Methodology

  • Creating a comprehensive training course.

Both of which will allow your project management and business change teams to get exposure to a straightforward, common sense approach to business change, as well as material to help them achieve their adoption goals resulting in increased project ROI and delivery success.

Watch this space!

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