Unleash the Power of ChatGPT: The Ultimate Game-Changer for Project Management!

Unleash the Power of ChatGPT gif

Are you a project manager who constantly juggles budget, schedule, and scope, but struggles to craft persuasive emails that engage stakeholders and generate support for your projects?

Writing compelling content that truly convinces people is a skill that takes time and effort, something we often lack time to hone.

You may have come across various articles and discussions about ChatGPT, but have you ever harnessed its power to enhance your projects? Have you truly leveraged it effectively?

ChatGPT can be a game-changer for project managers like us, ensuring we cover all the essential aspects, convey the right messages, and avoid overlooking crucial areas.

But the question remains: How can we utilise it to its fullest potential?

Imagine the valuable time you could save by effortlessly generating targeted emails or messages, and reaching out to those stakeholders you're struggling to engage with. Let's unlock the true potential of ChatGPT and see how it can revolutionize your communication strategy.

With ChatGPT's assistance, you can master the art of crafting compelling communications that leave a lasting impact. Let's delve into this powerful tool and unleash its capabilities together.

To get the best results, as with any computer program (that’s what it is) we need to:

  • We need to give specific information to our needs,

  • Configure it correctly for what we want,

  • Refine and tune what the result is.

In our example below, we are a PM for a mid-sized company, performing a building fit-out to allow the HQ team to move in, and reap the rewards of the new building and modern equipment.

If you’d prefer here’s a video of the steps I’ll go through below:



If you haven’t already logged in to ChatGPT, do the following:

1.       Go to chat.openai.com (Sign-up and create an account)

2.       In the top left corner, click New Chat

Sign up to our newsletter to download the prompts below, and get access to others.

First, let’s train a channel in ChatGPT – (Information In).

Before we can get the most out of ChatGPT it needs to understand more about the context in which it is operating. Remember garbage in-garbage out. Let’s not give it garbage, but rather quality data which helps us.

By this I mean we need to educate it about our project, its key deliverables, people, success criteria and benefits to the business to name a few.

For example, we can use the information below to train it in our example project: (Note the aliases used for people and project names)

Project X ChatGPT

Step 1: Enter the following text:

Use the following information to build your knowledge of the Project X

Project Brief:

The project aims to fit out a renovated building with a top of the range wifi, network, AV-equipped meeting rooms and bespoke designed offices. Allowing the company’s HQ to move and so allow our people to reap the rewards of a modern working environment.

The people on the project are:

Product Owner: Andrew Z

Project Sponsor: Bernard Y

Project Manager: Casey X

Business Analyst: Donald W

QA: Emma U

Key Business Benefits:

- Allow people to work from home or at HQ seamlessly

 - Provide spaces for people to meet and work collaboratively

 - Remove obstacles to productivity, by providing best-in-class equipment, facilities and processes

Support Channel:

-          Microsoft Team – Project X

Training Material:

-          Training videos can be found here

-          1-pager How-To PDFs can be found here

-          An interview with the product owner can be found here

Key Dates:

Early Adopters Go-live Date: 30/07/2023

Tranche 1 adopters Go-live Date: 30/08/2023

Tranche 2 adopters Go-live Date: 30/09/2023

Delivery complete: 30/10/2023

Project Closure: 31/11/2023

Once the channel has been informed, ask ChatGPT what other information it needs.

ChatGPT Conversation

Step 2: Enter the following text:

As a project manager, with 10 years of fitting out buildings, and transitioning people into them, what other information do you need to help create communications for this project?

Please ask me questions so you understand it better.

Step 3: Spend 15 minutes answering the questions and correcting any mistakes.

 Next, we configure it to the output we want

Now let’s start to get some value from this hard work! (Was that really hard work?) I would hope you know all of this information for any project you’re running.

ChatGPT Conversation 2

Step 4: Enter this text next:

As an expert in corporate communications, for a company of 250 people, where the style of communication is persuasive yet formal, please create an engaging introduction email to new people who are not aware of the project which will want them to learn more about the project.

Do you like what you see? Don’t stop there.

Top Tip: If you don’t like the style of the email, try changing it!

Writing in X Style
ChatGPT Conversation 3

Step 5: Enter this text next:

 Please make this half the length.

Step 6: We refine and fine-tune the result for the specific situation

Next copy and paste this into Microsoft Word. Find and replace any Company, Project or People’s names and do a sense check of everything that was said.

Add links to relevant locations for training and support, and fine-tune the phrases used, to better match your organisation and its values and goals.

The result

Subject: Introducing Project BLUELEAF: Transforming Our Work Environment

Dear New Joiners,

Welcome to Blue Inc! As part of our commitment to providing an exceptional working environment, we are thrilled to introduce you to an exciting initiative: Project BLUELEAF. This groundbreaking project aims to revolutionize the way we work and collaborate, enabling us to reach new heights of productivity and innovation.

What is Project BLUELEAF all about?

Seamless Connectivity: With state-of-the-art wifi and network infrastructure, you'll enjoy uninterrupted access to resources and be able to work seamlessly from anywhere, whether it's from home or our vibrant headquarters.

Inspiring Collaboration: Imagine modern, custom-designed meeting rooms and workspaces that foster collaboration, idea-sharing, and teamwork. Project BLUELEAF creates the ideal environment for innovation to thrive.

Cutting-Edge Tools: Say goodbye to outdated systems. Project BLUELEAF equips you with the latest technology and best-in-class equipment, streamlining your work processes and removing productivity barriers.

Want to learn more?

To get you up to speed and excited about Project BLUELEAF, we have prepared the following resources:

Training Videos: Explore our comprehensive library of training videos, providing step-by-step guidance on using the new technology and maximizing its benefits. Access them here.

1-Pager How-To PDFs: For quick reference, we've created easy-to-follow 1-pager How-To PDFs that offer clear instructions on utilizing various aspects of the new systems and spaces. Find them here.

Interview with the Product Owner: Gain valuable insights directly from Andrew Z, the Product Owner of Project BLUELEAF, as he shares the vision, goals, and anticipated impact of this exciting initiative. Watch the interview here.

Stay tuned for more updates!

In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing further updates, milestones, and opportunities to engage with Project BLUELEAF. Your feedback and ideas are highly valued as we embark on this transformative journey together.

Welcome to Project BLUELEAF, where the future of work begins!

Best regards,

Zayn Blore

Senior Project Manager

Blue Inc

Let’s not forget confidentiality

Before we end, you need to understand your company or client’s confidentiality policy.

Are you allowed to copy and paste internal documents into ChatGPT, or use people’s names and details? I can almost assure you that you are not allowed to do this.

This breaches GDPR, privacy and confidentiality policies and possibly breaks your contract with the company.

So, before you leap, understand what you can and can’t do.

For example, I strongly recommend you do not use people’s or companies’ names directly in ChatGPT.

Use aliases, and placeholders like I’ve done in this example instead.

Also, don’t copy documents and text that you do not own yourself or that are not freely available on the internet.

In Conclusion

That’s not bad for 30 minutes of work. Time for a coffee and catch up with a fellow PM to understand how we can help each other in our related projects! If you’d like to learn more about it stay tuned for further posts from Simplify Change, detailing exactly how you can create all the comms, checklists, reports, and other material any good project manager should have templates for.

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