Let's Dive into Communication Plans: Connect, Engage, and Achieve Success!

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you spoke to someone affected by your project and realized they had no clue about it? They may have recognised the project's name but had no understanding of its goals or how it would impact them.

Or perhaps they acknowledged the project's existence but failed to grasp the remarkable benefits it aimed to achieve.

Or perhaps they are aware, but haven’t understood the impact the project will have on their own work and business processes.

If you've experienced any of these challenges, it's time to harness the power of a well-crafted communication plan!

Why create a communication plan?

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of crafting one, it's essential to understand the underlying purpose. You're not just communicating for the sake of it; you have a message to convey, a specific audience to reach, and compelling reasons why they should listen to you.

  • Firstly, what are you communicating?

Do you possess all the necessary information to address follow-up questions that may arise during communications? Are support and feedback channels in place to ensure seamless information flow?

  • Secondly, who are your target recipients?

People communicate and absorb information differently. Some prefer email communication, while others may require town hall meetings or posters in cafeterias to catch their attention. Understanding the preferences and personas of your audience is crucial for effective communication.

  • Third, what's in it for them?

Why should these individuals lend an ear to your message? Are you solving a specific problem that directly impacts them? If so, make it clear! Are you introducing changes to address company-wide issues? Communicate the importance of these changes. And if you're seizing a golden opportunity that could boost the company's bottom line, shout it from the rooftops!

What exactly is a communication plan?

It's a simplified schedule of targeted communications designed to reach the right people at the right time. We all lead busy lives, and oftentimes, individuals need multiple reminders before the message truly sinks in. This is where a calendar of communications becomes invaluable.

Imagine a well-crafted calendar featuring communication milestones leading up to your event or go-live. You'll have T-2 weeks, T-1 week, T-2 days, T-1 day, and T+1 day (the big day!). To capture attention, comprehension, and engagement, your communication plan should utilise a range of mediums.

Think striking posters, captivating banners, attention-grabbing intranet posts, insightful interviews with Project Sponsors, and of course, impactful emails. Diversifying your communication channels ensures people take notice, read, and understand your messages.

How do we create a good communication plan?

A good communication plan considers a number of key areas:

  • Stakeholders: Identify your stakeholders and consider their unique roles and perspectives.

  • Timing Considerations: Account for holidays, change freezes, and other ongoing projects to avoid communication clashes.

  • Media Specifications: Specify the medium, be it physical or electronic, to ensure effective production and delivery.

  • Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define who will produce, review, and distribute each communication item.

  • Targeted Messaging: Tailor your messages to resonate with the specific audience you aim to reach.

Each item in the plan should cover:

  • The media (Physical, Electronic etc)

  • Who is producing it?

  • Who is reviewing it?

  • Who is it targeted at?

What does good look like?

At Simplify Change this is our bread and butter. We do this all the time.

Some examples of different types of communication can be on our Case Study Material page. We firmly believe in mixing it up, and using video, pdf/poster and step by step guides.

Next steps

We’ve created a template for what good looks like. You can find it here, along with other guides and assessments. See: Resources

Why not download this and create a communications plan for the next go-live or event that is impacting your audience.

Remember, a well-executed communication plan bridges the gap between confusion and clarity, disinterest and engagement, and scepticism and genuine support. Embrace the power of communication and watch your projects succeed like you intend them to!

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