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Introducing Catch me if you can!

So you have Office 365, but how well do your teams know how to use this?  What a disruption to business.

How can you help them adopt and encourage best practice quickly ?

Introducing “Catch me if you can”, a virtual race against time to find a hacker in your company.

Our Office 365 based game educates and informs your team on how teams can work together to make the most of Microsoft Teams and work as connected unit rather than a disjointed disrupted group of individuals.

It takes place entirely virtually, in a scalable way allowing your whole company to quickly get familiar with how the core functionality of Microsoft Teams works, and how to use it best.

Delivered by our team of dedicated professionals in a scalable way, it is customised to your environment, taking advantage of your existing configuration along with your ways of working so your teams can be trained in how you want them to work together, rather than on how the rest of the world works.

Each game will start with the hunt to find the individual, connecting with team members to form small groups to take advantage of the collaborative elements in Office 365 and then take them on a short, deep dive into related products like OneNote, Planner, Microsoft Stream, OneDrive and SharePoint Online. Quickly familiarising each team with the products you have enabled in your organisation.

As part of the game, each participant will receive training in how to use particular products as well as how to work remotely as teams taking into consideration best practice as seen today in many of the leading companies in the world who now work entirely remotely.

To take advantage of this team building activity to spark your company to higher productively and encourage collaboration please get in touch through our contact form here.

You can also read more about it here, under our services section.

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